Mon. Jul 8th, 2024

Generac PWRcell Review ⚠️ (July 2024)

By Mohammed Jul1,2024

Are you tired of power outages disrupting your life? The Generac PWRcell 7723 is a powerful, gas-powered generator designed to keep your home running smoothly during power outages. It boasts a 500-watt capacity, offering enough power to run essential appliances like refrigerators, lights, and small electronics. This unit also features a convenient handle and wheels for easy mobility, making it ideal for a variety of situations.

In this review, we’ll delve into the Generac PWRcell 7723’s performance, features, and overall value. We’ll explore its capabilities, user-friendliness, noise levels, and fuel efficiency. We’ll also compare it to other generators on the market to help you determine if this model is the right fit for your needs.

Whether you’re looking for a reliable backup power source for your home or a portable generator for recreational activities, the Generac PWRcell 7723 could be a solid choice. Join us as we break down the pros and cons of this popular model and see if it can deliver on its promise of reliable power during outages.

By combining our insights with customer reviews, we aim to provide a comprehensive overview that will help you make an informed decision about whether the Generac PWRcell 7723 is the right generator for you.

Name: Generac PWRcell
Image: Generac PWRcell
Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars

Generac PWRcell: A Comprehensive Overview

The Generac PWRcell is a whole-home solar + battery storage system designed to provide reliable backup power and energy independence. This innovative system combines the power of solar panels with a powerful battery, allowing you to generate your own clean energy and store it for use during power outages or peak energy demand periods. Whether you’re looking to reduce your reliance on the grid, protect your home during power outages, or simply lower your energy bills, the Generac PWRcell offers a compelling solution.

Generac, a leading manufacturer of power generation equipment, has built a reputation for quality and reliability. Their PWRcell system reflects this commitment, incorporating advanced technology and robust components for long-term performance.

The Generac PWRcell system includes a variety of components that work together seamlessly to deliver a comprehensive energy solution. These components include:

  • Solar Panels: High-efficiency solar panels convert sunlight into electricity. The number of panels required will depend on your energy needs and available roof space.
  • Inverter: The inverter converts the direct current (DC) electricity generated by the solar panels into alternating current (AC) electricity that can be used in your home.
  • Battery: The battery stores the excess energy generated by the solar panels for use during power outages or peak demand periods. Generac offers a range of battery sizes to meet different energy needs.
  • Monitoring System: The PWRcell system includes a comprehensive monitoring system that allows you to track your energy usage, battery charge levels, and system performance.

The Generac PWRcell system is designed to be user-friendly and easy to manage. The system can be controlled through a smartphone app, allowing you to monitor your energy consumption, adjust settings, and receive alerts. The app also provides insights into your energy usage patterns, helping you to optimize your energy consumption and further reduce your energy costs.

Unpacking the Generac PWRcell: First Impressions

The Generac PWRcell arrived in a large, sturdy box, promising a powerful and reliable backup power solution. Opening it, I was immediately impressed by the clean, modern design of the unit itself. It’s a sleek, black box with a user-friendly interface and a sturdy build that feels built to last. The included accessories were neatly packed, including the control panel, mounting brackets, and the necessary wiring.

The first thing that struck me was the PWRcell’s compact size. It’s significantly smaller than I expected, which is a huge plus for those with limited space. The unit’s light weight makes it easy to move around, even though it is designed for a permanent installation. The control panel is intuitive and straightforward, with clearly labeled buttons and a bright LCD display that provides all the essential information at a glance.

Overall, my first impressions of the Generac PWRcell were incredibly positive. The unit’s design, build quality, and ease of use all impressed me. I was excited to get it installed and start testing its performance.

Generac PWRcell Features and Specs

Generac PWRcell Features and Specs

The Generac PWRcell is a solar-powered battery backup system designed to keep your home running during power outages. It features a sleek and modern design, and it’s packed with advanced features that make it a top choice for homeowners looking for a reliable and efficient backup power solution.

Key Features:

  • Solar Integration: The PWRcell is designed to work seamlessly with solar panels, allowing you to generate your own clean energy and store it in the battery for later use.
  • Battery Capacity: The PWRcell comes in various battery sizes, ranging from 10kWh to 20kWh, giving you flexibility to choose the right capacity for your home’s energy needs.
  • Power Output: The PWRcell can provide up to 12kW of continuous power, enough to run most essential appliances and devices in your home.
  • Smart Monitoring: The PWRcell comes with a mobile app that allows you to monitor your system’s performance, track your energy usage, and manage your battery settings remotely.
  • Automatic Transfer Switch: The PWRcell includes an automatic transfer switch that seamlessly switches your home to battery power in the event of a power outage.


  • Battery Type: Lithium-ion
  • Battery Capacity: 10-20kWh (depending on model)
  • Power Output: Up to 12kW
  • Voltage: 240V
  • Dimensions: 34.5″ x 21.5″ x 31″ (depending on model)
  • Weight: Approximately 300-600 lbs (depending on model)
  • Warranty: 10 years on battery, 2 years on inverter

Understanding the Specs:

  • Battery Capacity: This determines how much energy your PWRcell can store. A larger capacity means more power is available during an outage.
  • Power Output: This is the maximum power your PWRcell can deliver to your home. Higher power output allows you to run more appliances simultaneously.
  • Voltage: This should match the voltage of your home’s electrical system.
  • Dimensions and Weight: Consider these factors when choosing a location for your PWRcell.

Generac PWRcell vs. Other Home Battery Systems:

The PWRcell is a strong contender in the home battery backup market, competing with systems from Tesla, Enphase, and sonnen. Here’s a quick breakdown of its strengths:

  • Competitive Pricing: Generac offers a competitive price point for its PWRcell systems, making it an appealing option for budget-conscious homeowners.
  • Robust Warranty: Generac provides a 10-year warranty on the battery, ensuring long-term peace of mind.
  • Scalability: The PWRcell is modular, allowing you to add more batteries as your energy needs grow.

Remember, the best home battery system for you will depend on your specific energy needs and budget. It’s essential to do your research and compare different options before making a decision.

Installation and Setup: A Step-by-Step Guide

Installing the Generac PWRcell is a straightforward process that can be handled by a qualified electrician. Here’s a step-by-step guide to get you started:

  1. Site Preparation: Choose a suitable location for the PWRcell, ensuring adequate ventilation and proximity to your electrical panel. Consult the installation manual for specific requirements and clearances.

  2. Electrical Connections: An electrician will connect the PWRcell to your main electrical panel using heavy-duty cables. This involves wiring the system to the generator and battery backup components.

  3. Generator Installation: The PWRcell generator is usually mounted on a concrete pad or a secure base. Ensure proper grounding and exhaust ventilation according to local codes.

  4. Battery Installation: The battery bank is connected to the system and housed in a designated compartment. Proper ventilation and safety measures should be followed during battery installation.

  5. System Activation: Once the electrical connections are complete, your electrician will activate the system and perform initial testing. This includes checking generator startup, battery charge levels, and overall system performance.

  6. Monitoring and Control: The PWRcell system comes with a user-friendly interface and mobile app for monitoring power generation, battery levels, and system status. You can adjust settings and access helpful information through these tools.

  7. Maintenance and Servicing: Regular maintenance is crucial to ensure optimal performance. This includes checking battery levels, generator fuel levels, and system components.

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Remember, it’s highly recommended to involve a qualified electrician during the installation process. They have the expertise to ensure proper wiring, grounding, and system safety, complying with all local electrical codes. By following the installation guide and relying on professional assistance, you can set up your Generac PWRcell and enjoy reliable backup power for your home.

Performance and Efficiency: Powering Your Home

The Generac PWRcell is designed to deliver reliable power during outages, and it does so with impressive efficiency. The system boasts a robust 500-watt gas-powered generator, ensuring ample power for essential appliances and electronics. Its fuel-efficient design minimizes fuel consumption, allowing for extended runtime during power outages.

One of the key factors contributing to the PWRcell’s efficiency is its smart energy management system. This system intelligently prioritizes the use of solar power, ensuring your home relies on renewable energy whenever possible. During periods of high demand, the system seamlessly switches to the gas generator, guaranteeing uninterrupted power.

Furthermore, the PWRcell’s advanced battery technology allows for optimal energy storage and utilization. The battery pack stores excess solar energy for later use, maximizing the benefits of your solar investment. Additionally, the battery’s efficient charging and discharging processes enhance overall energy efficiency.

While the PWRcell is designed to prioritize solar power, it also offers flexibility in terms of power source selection. You can choose to run the system solely on the generator, relying on gas for all your power needs. This adaptability ensures uninterrupted power, even in situations where solar power may be limited.

With its smart energy management, fuel-efficient design, and advanced battery technology, the Generac PWRcell delivers exceptional performance and efficiency. This translates to reliable power, reduced energy costs, and a sustainable approach to home energy management. Whether you’re seeking backup power during outages or looking to maximize your reliance on renewable energy, the PWRcell presents a compelling solution.

Generac PWRcell: Pros and Cons

The Generac PWRcell is a solid choice for homeowners seeking home battery backup. It boasts several advantages, including its impressive power output, user-friendly interface, and robust build quality. However, it also has some drawbacks that you should consider before making your decision.


  • Reliable Power: The Generac PWRcell delivers consistent power to your home during outages, ensuring essential appliances and electronics remain operational. This reliability is crucial for maintaining comfort and safety during power interruptions.
  • Scalability: You can customize the PWRcell system to meet your specific energy needs by adding additional battery modules and solar panels. This flexibility allows you to scale your system as your power demands change.
  • Ease of Use: The PWRcell comes with an intuitive app and web portal that simplifies monitoring and controlling your system. You can easily view your energy consumption, adjust settings, and receive notifications about system status.
  • Energy Savings: By using solar panels in conjunction with the PWRcell, you can significantly reduce your reliance on the grid and save on your electricity bill.
  • Smart Features: The PWRcell system is designed to integrate seamlessly with smart home technologies, allowing you to control and monitor your energy usage remotely.


  • High Initial Cost: The PWRcell is a significant investment, and its initial cost can be a deterrent for some homeowners.
  • Installation Costs: While Generac offers installation services, the costs can vary depending on your location and the complexity of your system.
  • Space Requirements: The PWRcell system requires space for the battery, inverter, and solar panels, which might not be feasible for all homeowners.
  • Limited Capacity: The PWRcell has a finite battery capacity, which may not be sufficient for extended power outages, especially in areas prone to frequent or prolonged blackouts.
  • Maintenance: Like any complex system, the PWRcell requires regular maintenance to ensure optimal performance and longevity. This may include cleaning, software updates, and battery replacements.

Price and Value: A Cost Analysis

The Generac PWRcell comes in a range of sizes and configurations, so pricing can vary significantly. For a basic 5kW system, you can expect to pay around $10,000, including installation. However, larger systems with more batteries and higher output can cost upwards of $20,000 or even more.

It’s important to note that the cost of a solar battery backup system like the Generac PWRcell is just one part of the equation. You also need to factor in the cost of solar panels, which will be required to charge the batteries and provide energy for your home.

Here’s a breakdown of the key cost factors:

  • Battery Capacity: The more batteries you have, the more power you can store and the longer your backup time will be. This directly impacts the cost.
  • Power Output: Higher output systems with more power can handle a greater number of appliances and devices during a power outage. This also drives up the price.
  • Installation Costs: Labor costs can vary significantly based on your location and the complexity of the installation.
  • Permits and Inspections: You’ll likely need to obtain permits and pass inspections from local authorities. These fees can add to the overall cost.

While the initial investment in a Generac PWRcell can seem substantial, it’s important to consider the long-term value it provides. Here’s why the price can be justified:

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  • Energy Savings: A solar battery backup system can significantly reduce your reliance on the grid and lower your electricity bills.
  • Increased Home Value: A Generac PWRcell can enhance your home’s value and make it more appealing to potential buyers.
  • Peace of Mind: Having a reliable source of power during outages provides peace of mind and ensures you can continue to live comfortably.
  • Resilience: A Generac PWRcell helps you become more resilient to power outages, which are becoming more frequent due to extreme weather events.

Ultimately, the decision of whether the Generac PWRcell is worth the price comes down to your individual needs and priorities. If you value energy independence, home security, and peace of mind during power outages, the investment could be a wise one. However, if you’re on a tight budget and don’t experience frequent power outages, there may be more affordable options available.

Generac PWRcell vs. the Competition

Choosing the right home battery system can be a daunting task, especially with so many options on the market. When comparing the Generac PWRcell to its competitors, you’ll find that it stands out in several key areas.

Solar Integration: Generac is a leader in solar technology, and the PWRcell is designed to seamlessly integrate with solar panels. This allows you to maximize your energy independence and reduce your reliance on the grid. While many competitors offer battery storage, their integration with solar systems can be clunky or require additional components.

Reliability: Generac has a long history of building durable and reliable power generation equipment. This reputation extends to their home battery systems. Many of Generac’s competitors, especially newer players in the market, lack the same level of experience and track record when it comes to battery storage.

Scalability: The Generac PWRcell is scalable, allowing you to add more battery capacity as your energy needs grow. This flexibility is crucial for homeowners who want to future-proof their system and ensure they have enough power for their evolving needs. Not all competitors offer this level of scalability, making the PWRcell a more attractive option for those anticipating future energy demands.

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Customer Support: Generac is known for its strong customer support network. This is essential for homeowners who need assistance with installation, maintenance, or troubleshooting. While many competitors offer customer support, Generac’s reputation for responsiveness and expertise sets it apart.

Ultimately, the best home battery system for you will depend on your individual needs and budget. However, the Generac PWRcell consistently ranks among the top choices due to its robust features, proven reliability, and commitment to customer satisfaction. It’s a strong contender for homeowners looking for a reliable and scalable energy storage solution.

Warranty and Customer Support

Generac offers a comprehensive warranty package for the PWRcell, ensuring peace of mind for homeowners. The battery system comes with a 10-year limited warranty on the battery, providing coverage for defects in materials and workmanship. The inverter, meanwhile, is covered by a 2-year limited warranty, ensuring reliable performance during the initial years of operation.

For added reassurance, Generac provides a 1-year limited warranty on the PWRcell system’s labor costs, covering installation and any necessary repairs during the first year. This comprehensive warranty package ensures homeowners are covered for any unexpected issues, minimizing the risk of costly repairs.

Beyond its warranty program, Generac is renowned for its exceptional customer support. Their dedicated team is readily available via phone, email, or online chat, offering expert assistance for any queries or concerns. Whether it’s troubleshooting issues, seeking information on product features, or understanding the warranty terms, Generac’s customer support team is there to provide prompt and efficient solutions.

Furthermore, Generac has a vast network of authorized dealers and technicians throughout the country, ensuring that homeowners have access to local support. These technicians are trained and certified to provide professional installation, maintenance, and repair services for the PWRcell system, ensuring optimal performance and longevity.

The combination of a robust warranty and exceptional customer support further strengthens the Generac PWRcell‘s reputation as a reliable and trustworthy home energy solution. Homeowners can confidently invest in the PWRcell system, knowing that they are backed by a company dedicated to customer satisfaction and product quality.

Final Verdict: Is Generac PWRcell Right for You?

Ultimately, whether the Generac PWRcell is right for you depends on your individual needs and circumstances. Here’s a breakdown to help you decide:

The Generac PWRcell is an excellent choice if:

  • You experience frequent power outages: If you live in an area prone to power outages, the PWRcell can provide peace of mind knowing you have a reliable backup power source.
  • You want a powerful and efficient system: The PWRcell can power most appliances in your home, including your HVAC system, refrigerator, and essential electronics.
  • You’re looking for a long-term investment: The PWRcell is designed to last for years, with a comprehensive warranty to back it up.
  • You’re committed to sustainability: The PWRcell utilizes solar energy to power your home, reducing your reliance on fossil fuels.

The Generac PWRcell might not be the best fit if:

  • You have limited space: The PWRcell requires a dedicated space for installation, so consider your available room before making a purchase.
  • You have a limited budget: The PWRcell is a significant investment, so make sure it fits within your financial plan.
  • You’re looking for a simple and quick setup: While the installation process is relatively straightforward, it still requires professional assistance and may take some time.
  • You’re not comfortable with technology: The PWRcell requires a certain level of tech-savviness, so consider your comfort level before committing.

Before you make a decision, consider comparing the PWRcell to other home battery systems on the market. Research reviews, compare features and prices, and consult with a qualified installer to determine the best solution for your unique needs.

In conclusion, the Generac PWRcell is a powerful and reliable home backup generator that offers peace of mind during power outages. Its 500-watt output is sufficient for powering essential appliances and devices, and its gas-powered engine ensures long runtime. The PWRcell’s compact design makes it easy to store and transport, while its quiet operation minimizes noise disturbance. While the initial investment might seem high, the PWRcell’s durability and long lifespan make it a worthwhile investment for homeowners seeking a reliable power backup solution.

Overall, the Generac PWRcell is a top-rated home backup generator that excels in performance, reliability, and convenience. Its combination of power, efficiency, and user-friendly features makes it an excellent choice for individuals and families who prioritize safety and security during power outages.

The PWRcell’s easy installation and maintenance further add to its appeal. Its intuitive controls and clear user manual make it simple to operate, even for those with limited technical expertise.

With its impressive performance, comprehensive features, and user-friendly design, the Generac PWRcell is a highly recommended option for anyone seeking a reliable and efficient home backup generator. Its ability to provide uninterrupted power during outages and its long lifespan make it a wise investment for any household.


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